Tonight we are having chilli for tea and for once I have been organised and made it before picking the kids up from school so that I can enjoy a bit of time with them when they get home! I might just have time to publish this before picking them up if I am really quick…so here goes!
If your child doesn’t like the vegetables in this then use ones that they do like instead…it really doesn’t matter too much what you put in!
Mild vegetable chilli
- 1 red onion finely chopped or whizzed in a hand held chopper
- 1 clove garlic finely chopped
- 1 small green chilli finely chopped
- 1 pepper - any colour, diced
- 1 large carrot - diced
- 100 g frozen or canned sweetcorn
- Half tsp cumin
- 2 tsp dried mixed herbs
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- Sprinkle chilli powder
- 1 tin chopped tomatoes or a carton of passata - I used Lidl's own which cost about 29p!
- 1 tin kidney beans - rinsed
- 150 ml water or low salt stock - if using chopped tomatoes - I didn't need so much with the passata
- 1tbsp tomato puree if using tinned tomatoes
- 1 large square of 70% dark chocolate - check ingredients according to food intolerance/allergy
- Half packet cauldron marinated tofu
- A grind black pepper
- Place the onion, pepper, and carrot in a large pan with a tbsp oil and fry for approx. 5 mins
- Add the garlic and chilli and stir for approx. 5 more minutes making sure it doesn't burn on the bottom
- Add the spices and herbs and cook for a further minute
- Add tomatoes, sweetcorn, water (if needed), chocolate and tofu. Stir well and leave to simmer, stirring occationally, with the lid on for approx. 25 minutes or until the vegetables are nice and soft.
- Add the rinsed kidney beans and black pepper and cook for a further 5 minutes. If the sauce seems a little thick add a little more water. If it is too watery already then leave to cook for a further 5-10 minutes with the lid off until thickened.
- Serve with rice/tortillas/cornbread and a big smile!!! As I made cornbread for the first time today I will be serving mine with that...recipe to follow soon!
Rollercoaster Mum says
Mmm might have to try this – I did a mild chicken and veg curry for the kids last week and they loved it – even Little Miss who maintains she hates curry!! (I didn’t tell her what it was until afterwards!)