This recipe for vegan chocolate truffles is so simple to make. All you need is some good quality dark chocolate, coconut milk and any flavouring you might like.
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Now, I’d like to warn you about reading the story that precedes this recipe. Especially if you are vegan. You see, I am not vegan but I develop recipes that are dairy free and egg free for people who have allergies to those ingredients. My daughter did when she was small so I know how tricky it can be.
Anyway, warning over. If you’d like to skip the story and just get to the recipe then click here.
It’s been a tricky day. It would have been made better if I had some of these vegan chocolate truffles left, but alas they didn’t make it home from London where I made them for my family.
We planned for it to be quite simple. Prepare Rosie (our VW camper van) for her first trip of 2016 and have some fun with the kids.
The kids planned to have a ‘wildlife finding day’. Perhaps brought on by a few days spent in London and a need to re-connect themselves with nature?
It all started well. Mr M and I pottering around preparing for our trip and the kids setting up a ‘hide’ on the deck, kitted out with binoculars to watch the birds with a bucket of frog spawn close-by.
It was only when my head was in a cupboard, and the kids were paddling in the stream by the house, that the day changed.
I never like the way Mr M says my name when there is something wrong. Initially I thought something had happened to one of the kids. Then I saw where he was looking and knew it was something else.
With trepidation I walked towards him to find him peering at three tiny baby mice. He’d uncovered them in the process of clearing stuff in the garage to take to the tip.
As we stood there wondering what to do, the brazen mother appeared and took one away right before our eyes.
Simple, we thought, we’ll but the other two in a box and when she comes to collect them we’ll catch her and then release them all somewhere in the countryside.
In a scene somewhat reminiscent of Fantastic Mr Fox (a brilliant Roald Dahl book for those of you who may not have read it)…we sat there and waited quietly.
The kids even played quietly out in the garden.
Kids in the neighbourhood played quietly with our kids in the garden.
Time passed. It was lunchtime. What’s a family to do, but go and get lunch.
It was a quick lunch, nothing fancy…but by the time we returned to our post the babies had all gone.
Time for a trap we thought. Not being ones for animal cruelty, we went for a ‘humane one’. One that should trap the mouse so that we could release it.
A few hours later…and nothing.
My mind began to wander on to other methods of disposal. We searched the neighbourhood for the usual cats that hang around all day trying to kill our birds. Nothing.
We called a friend, who brought her cat around. I felt certain that I knew where the mother and babies where…there was only one place for her to hide and we’d seen her take the first baby there.
I moved said object when the cat arrived, feeling cruel but doing it ‘for the neighbourhood’. What did we find? One baby. No sign of mother or other two babies.
By this time I was feeling pretty cheesed off. I put the baby in the humane trap with the bait and set it. I was sure she would come back and get trapped and then we could all go off in Rosie tomorrow knowing that all our remaining camping equipment which lives in the garage would be ‘safe’.
We went off, had tea, put the kids to bed…and then I snuck out to take a look.
Do you know what I found? An empty trap full of mouse droppings.
So what have we succeeded in doing today I hear you cry?
Well, we’ve found a mouse and three babies, turned the garage upside down and moved the little blighter’s to somewhere else in the garage (or heaven forbid, house) to make their happy little home and breed more cute little mice…which I am slowly realising are not cute any more…
I really hope your day has been better than mine!
If I had any vegan chocolate truffles left I would be eating them all in one go right now!
If I had any of the wonderful Conscious Chocolate bars left with which I made the truffles I would make some more.
Alas I left them in my sister’s fridge.
You get the picture.
On to the recipe…
What chocolate can you use in these chocolate truffles?
Conscious make wonderful dairy-free, gluten-free, soya-free and refined sugar-free chocolates.
Some are sweetened with agave syrup while others are sweetened with rice syrup. You could, of course, use some of my homemade chocolate.
Anyway, when the wonderful owner of Conscious sent me a package containing all the different flavours…ranging from plain to mint to rose…I knew I was going to have fun experimenting with them (and sharing them with my family for Easter).
For these vegan truffles I used ‘The Dark Side’, an 85% cacao bar combined with ‘Intense’, a 75% cacao bar and ‘Essential Orange’ a 65% cacao bar. You could use any combination that takes your fancy.
The result was silky smooth truffles with a hint of orange and definitely no hint of coconut (despite using coconut cream).
How do you make dairy free chocolate truffles?
Making chocolate truffles is so simple and the result is delicious.
As long as you have found dark chocolate that is dairy free then the process is very simple.
All that is required is something to melt chocolate in. You can either use a microwave (in which case be careful not to burn the chocolate) or a bowl over a pan of boiling water. If you choose the microwave method just make sure you stir the chocolate every 30 seconds to prevent any burning.
Once the chocolate is melted just add the coconut cream and any flavouring you might like. You’ll then need to cool the mixture before forming it into balls.
I defy you not to try this recipe out!
Pin the recipe for my vegan chocolate truffles…
Vegan Chocolate Truffles (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
- 50 g 'Intense' Conscious Chocolate - or other dark chocolate
- 50 g 'The Dark One' Conscious Chocolate - or other dark chocolate
- 50 g 'Essential Orange' Conscious Chocolate - or other dark chocolate
- 150 ml coconut cream - either a tin, or remove the thick part from a tin of coconut milk that has been in the fridge over night
- 1 tsp vanilla powder
- Raw cacao for dusting
- Gently melt the chocolate bars either in a bowl over a pan of boiling water or in the microwave. If using a microwave stir every 30 seconds until molten
- Add the coconut cream and vanilla powder to the melted chocolate, stir well then place in the fridge to harden
- After approx. 1 hour check the mixture to see if it is firm enough to roll. If so, scoop a little piece out of the bowl with a tea spoon and gently roll it with the tips of your fingers. It will melt easily to don't use the hot palm of your hand
- Quickly roll in a plate of cacao and place to one side
- Repeat until all the mixture has been used up
- Refrigerate for about an hour before eating (if you can)
- Store in the fridge
Nutrition (Approx)
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